Sunday, September 28, 2008

Perishable Food CAN Perish!!!

I usually have a food bill in the $50 - 100 range, not counting the baby (baby food is a whole different level of pain).

THIS WEEK I realized that ALL of our non-perishable food had - perished. Yep! Almost every single can of stuff I had was well past out of date.

So, we did a very sad job, and we threw out an entire laundry basket full of canned foods. Can you imagine how much $ that was? Waste. I hate waste.

So, I went to the store to replenish with ONLY those things I actually use - tomatoes, green beans, etc.

Now, I came home with a trunk full of food, but my bill was $500.00. Can you believe that?!?!?

I managed to stammer out how much I spent... My hubby managed not to choke me. I guess that means we'll survive it.

However, I made a LIST of what's in there now, and what dinners I'm going to be using those items with. No more wasted food. Period.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Busy, oh so busy...

Work is a bit overwhelming at the moment. I am more than overworked. I am putting my foot down about it too. I will not be used like I am being used right now. So, I feel a little better because I am taking back control of my life. *sigh*

Baby Jim has been somewhat harmed by my work issues too. He really only calls his Dada when he needs something. He really doesn't look to me for everything as a normal baby will do. While I completely appreciate my hubby, and his love and care for his boy, I am not happy that work has let me put time, care, and feeding of my boy on the back burner. :(

I DO spend time with Jim. I do not let them suck up all of my time, but I get home late enough that I only have 1 1/2 hrs with my son before he hits the hay. I don't like that part, at all. Sometimes I get home late enough that I miss feeding him dinner.

However, I've been getting up earlier and doing his morning bottle. My hubby really wants to own the morning bottle, and that is great, but my boy is such a happy morning baby. I've put my foot down about my right to feed him too, even when my hubby says, "but he's calling for Dada!". Yep, and he'll never call for Mama if he doesn't get any quality time with me.

We've gotten the go-ahead to put Jim on 2nd level foods! He can have MEAT! I've not bought any of the meats yet, but I did buy a boatload of 2nd level food. Target had the large tubs on sale for $ .89 each! Normally these things are $1.19 - 1.39! I stocked up. I sure hope he loves what I chose. Of course, with that kinda price I have a cheap way to find out that he doesn't like a flavor, eh?

I also bought him some "big boy" bibs too... He needed ones made for catching food vs. milk. Carrots and white terrycloth do not mix well. :( The new bibs have Dr. Seuss on them - so cute! One of them is from the Green Eggs and Ham book, and it says "I will not eat them on a train... etc" I think it is a very funny thing indeed...

Oh, and Jim is now able to sit up by himself!!!!!! Woooo Hoooo! A whole new world has opened up to him. He still falls over, mostly backwards. We just set him back up and off he goes again. Hubby said I should get him some Weebles so he learns how this is supposed to work. LOL

This weekend I'm painting the trim (lower 1/2 of the wall) in my dining room. We'll see how it goes, it is a very big job...

Hope everyone out there is having a good one. I've missed you all. I hope to get time to catch up on your stories today...