Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
And Then There Was One...
Posted by
4/21/2010 02:41:00 PM
Friday, April 16, 2010
Waiting and thinking
I've been thinking a lot about the babies. I've also been doing all I can to give the little one it's best chance. I'm taking all my meds and being sure to keep myself lower stress.
Who knows if it will make a difference, but it's the best I can think of.
I'm still convinced I'll be OK if there is only one on the next US. I'll be sad, of course, but our goal is as always happy and healthy.
The next US is Wednesday. I'm trying to keep it off my mind until then. It's hard not to think what-if though.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Posted by
4/16/2010 02:44:00 PM
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Boo Life Lessons
Yesterday I was driving through one of "those intersections" - you know the ones where you KNOW there will be at least 1 fool who will try to hit you (or make you hit them).
In this particular intersection people us a "go straight" lane to force their way into line on an on-ramp instead of getting into the on-ramp lane. I have grown tired of the stpidity, and was determined to be prepared for the fool yesterday.
So I stayed close to the car in front of me (but not too close). As I entered the on-ramp I didn't see a fool, but I KNEW there was one!
Sure enough, a grey Volvo race up beside me and tried to force their way into my lane, even though there was NO ROOM.
I rufused to make room and I laid on the horn. At 1st I think I scared the driver in front of me, but the held steady and kept the gap closed. That volvo rode 80% of the ramp in the emergency lane, until she finally gave up and dropped behind me.
I felt vindicated, until I heard a loud reprimand from the back seat, "NOT NICE MOMMY!".
Since then I've question was I doing right, or was I just being not nice? I KNOW the other person was in the wrong, but should I have relented? I'm not sure - when I thought about how to explain it, I couldn't. ;)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Posted by
4/14/2010 01:01:00 PM
Monday, April 12, 2010
Good Days and Bad Days Should Be Different Days
Bad Day Example:
Hubby's father died this morning - it was expected, but still sad. He's been pretty bad off for a few weeks now, it was unexpected that TODAY would be the day. Luckily Hubby had taken me up on my offer for him to stay longer - he cancelled his flight and was able to be there for his Dad's last few moments.
Good Day Example:
The US this morning showed a heartbeat! We have 1 baby measuring right on time with an audible heartbeat! YAY.
Undecided Day Example:
The US this morning showed a 2nd heartbeat. The 2nd baby is measuring quite a bit behind, possibly as much as a week. The Undecided part is how this will turn out, as well as how I'm dealing with it. I was all a bit strange and stressful. I want both to have the second one survive and also for this to be a singleton. How do I resolve that... Really. I'm sure nature will resolve it either way.
Posted by
4/12/2010 08:19:00 PM
Friday, April 9, 2010
Cousins Make Good Friends
-- Protect the time and space to carry out your dreams -----
Posted by
4/09/2010 06:44:00 AM