33 Wks Is No Reason To Relax...
Well folks, you KNEW it couldn't be an easy ride, didn't you? Didn't you, as IF veterans, know that it couldn't be too easy to get to the finish? That would be just too much to ask...
I'm riding high, being told on Friday by my OB, "...all is well, except the baby is breech, which will correct itself most likely." I'm feeling good - minor heartburn, some anemia issues, and frustrating gestational diabetes aside... I'm looking healthy, feeling better than I have in a long time. Everyone is talking about my "glow".
Then, I go to the Perinatologist's office on Monday - WHAM! The bad and the ugly finally caught up to us.
Issues found 2:
- very big baby, 6.2 lbs, which is 90th percentile at 33 wks gestation.
- Too much amniotic fluid. The upper limits are 24 - 26 cm and I'm measuring at 23+ cm.
The Peri is now talking about an aggressive treatment plan, because our baby may die. This week he's probably starting me on insulin. We will be doing an amniocentesis at 36 wks, and possibly scheduling a C-section or induction at 37 wks. I am to have 2 appts per week from now on out - Mondays and Thursdays.
Do you think Mel would open the Virtual Lushary just for me? I really need a good stiff drink...
I looked up the "too much amniotic fluid" issue... It appears that gestational diabetes can cause the infant to have a high urine output, which causes the buildup in fluid. This leads to preterm membrane abruption and so pre-term delivery. The quick rupture of the membranes is a lead cause of cord prolapse and/or having the fetus not be able to engage in the pelvis properly for delivery.
Other than gestational diabetes there is some very scary stuff that can cause this condition - Downs, gastrointestinal blockage or fistule, cardiac issues, renal issues. So, I'm certainly going to ask for more info, and possibly more testing, to determine if there is another reason the fluid is too high.
Regardless of the cause, 26% of people with this condition deliver pre-term. These all sound like good reasons to have our bags packed early, and to not stray too far from the hospital. eh? :)
Here is what Wikipedia has to say, which agrees with other sources I've read - in case you are interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amniotic_fluid. This next link will give you all you ever wanted to know about the condition: http://www.emedicine.com/PED/topic1854.htm
Oh, and our Peri, he called our OB's office and strong-armed me an appt with their best OB Dr. for this Thursday. It could have something to do with the fact that I told him another OB at their practice was "not too worried about the GD blood glucose #'s" and her saying "everything is just fine and on track" as of last Friday. You think?!?!? I would have like to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation...
Crap. That was the first thing that entered my head. Crap, crap, crap. Why is it that there always seems to be a curve ball thrown into the mix?
The good thing is that the peri found this out now and is being proactive in his response to what is going on with the little bub. It does seem like you are in good hands. Once the OB falls into line with him, you'll be in even better hands. I could just slap the one who told you all was fine!
Keeping everything crossed that you are able to keep the little one in for as long as safely possible, with no early rupture. (PROM is a demon that I don't wish on anyone.) I am sure 37 weeks can't get here soon enough for you.
Hugs, Dawn. So sorry that you have to go through this. But, I just know your little one will be okay. I really do believe that.
I'll be thinking of you. I hope they are able to control the situation and that everyone stays healthy!
i'm so sorry you have to go through this. at least you're being closely monitored so they can keep everyone safe.
I am by no means suggesting you go against your Peri's wishes, but everything I've read about pregnancy says that 33-34w is when amniotic fluid is at its highest and it decreases from this point on?
In any case, I'm really glad they're keeping a close eye on you and that you're going to get treatment sooner rather than later.
I'm praying for good things for your family.
I'm glad you're seeing a peri who was able to catch this. Although it must be scary, I believe they know what they're doing and they'll keep a close eye on you and make sure everything is just fine, even if you have to deliver a little earlier than you might've liked.
I'm sorry, what a nasty surprise to be thrown so late in the game. I'm glad the peri is helping you through this and keeping close tabs you may. At least if you have to deliver early, the baby's pretty big!
I'm glad you have a good and concerned doctor on your side. I'm hoping that this turns into "nothing", and your baby arrives safe and sound.
You are in my thoughts.
Hoping all went well at the OB's today.
Keep us posted. Sending all kinds of positive thoughts your way.
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