Wednesday, April 21, 2010

And Then There Was One...

We can all stop guessing now, which will hopefully mean less nightmares for me...
The US showed that baby A had no heartbeat. It had put up the good fight, and had grown by about a week, but it didn't make it.  Baby B is measuring on track and had a nice, strong, audible heartbeat.
I am supposed to come into the RE's office again next week to see that Baby B stays on track and isn't compromised by the loss of Baby A. Hopefully it will simply be quietly absorbed and won't cause any issues. In rare circumstances this kind of loss will cause cramping or bleeding, but other times there are no symptoms at all.
I guess I'm a little sad, but I'm also thankful. I know from all of your experinces that there is so much that can go wrong with a twin pregnancy. It was hard enough to have 1, much less raise one, without increasing the risks. I think I'll consider myself overall lucky, even though I think deep down I'll miss not having our "almost" family of 5. See... That's the world of what-if and it will always niggle at me just a little.
Our baby girl that we lost last October was due yesterday. I shed a few tears, and mourned her loss just a little. The outlook for the current baby(ies) was still unknown, and was causing me stress frankly, but the thought of a bright future helped greatly to carry me along though the tears.
On the flip side, being pregnant has also been very hard on my emotions this time... I tell you, I can cry at the breaking of a shoelace. Really folks, I'm not a not a crier, so this is very odd indeed. :)


BigP's Heather said...

Praying for Baby B.

K said...

So sorry about your loss and thinking of baby B

tireegal68 said...

The same thing happened to me with our Baby B. I had similar feelings to you about the risks of twins but was still sad and disappointed that Baby B didn't make it. I hope your Baby B is going strong and you csn relax a little soon:)

Elaine VanDRiver said...

thinking of you...

MrsSpock said...

Sorry about Baby A. I hope Baby B is still going strong, growing, and thriving...

Unknown said...

My thoughts are with you and your family. Wishing you luck for an unadventful pregnancy with Baby B! : )