Saturday, January 27, 2007

Spearing Olives...

Fair Warning... If you are squeamish about blood DO NOT READ THIS POST!!!!

The new blood-draw lady at my RE's office is Satan incarnate! She has this weird technique thing she does, and it hurts like a beeyach.

She holds the needle all weird and jabs it into your arm like she is trying to spear an olive. Not the top olive either - the next-to-the-last-one olive, that won't stay still. OMG!!!! THEN, to make it all WORSE she digs and digs and digs. She is, of course, no where near a vein, because they all ran and hid when they saw that super-sonic needle flying at them. I mean really... who doesn't know that you have to slowly and quietly sneak up on these wiley veins?

Let's just say the first few sticks were shocking - yeah, I said "First Few", read it and weep for me! I kept thinking - This can't be right, it just can't be. Oh yeah, it was (at least for her)!

On top of this "technique", this woman took 7 tries to get the person before me, and 5 tries to get mine!!!!! Oh my word!

I really, seriously considered passing out a good escape option. I tried crawling out of the chair, but she was bigger than me.

Yah - I did report the issue, but I'm not sure anything will be done about it. I know they heard me though because my RE nurse told me she thought another patient had complained about the same phlebotomist. She told me the story, and I confirmed it... The lady had compared the digging in her arm to having liposuction! Yep - same woman, such a great description of the digging that it gave me flashbacks!



Susan said...

So SHE's the one my blood draw nurse was talking about!! ; )

Baby Blues said...

5 tries!!! There's definitly something wrong there. Could someone teach her to do it right? One difficult blood draw is understandable but on two consecutive patients, it's a question of technique.

Dr. Grumbles said...

That is definitely not right. I have had plenty blood drawn in my life (most not from fertility labs), and I have never had an experience anything close to that! At most, I have had 2 tries, and they were both gentle, and the phlebotomist apologized profusely for the first failed try.

I hope you never have to see that woman again!

Inglewood said...

Holy crap that is brutal. *ouch*

Gil said...
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Gil said...

Oh. My. God. I can relate to this in SO many ways, most of which I would love to deny. I always have trouble with bloodwork (see my relevant post Bloodwork and Blood *sighs*) about the issues I have. Why oh why do we have to endure this? It's beyond me. I can only hope that the next one (for both of us!) is easier! *hugs*
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Nearlydawn said...

Hey, you guys gave me a boost of confidence! Have a look at the update on the bloodwork lady...
