Monday, February 12, 2007

2WW Update...

Just an update on the 2 week wait...

This morning, as I was stumbling sleepily into the bathroom, hubby said the strangest thing, "When will we know?" I really had NO idea what he meant - I must have been sleep-walking. I mumbled, "wha?" and then caught his meaning... He was surprised I had forgotten that we were in the dreaded 2WW!

I assured him I hadn't forgotten, I was just dead tired...

I haven't noticed anything unusual this cycle, and I'm feeling about normal (other than being tired from travelling). So, nothing to report really. I'm hoping that with all the weirdness I usually have that this is a good sign! :)

I've been catching up on your blogs and crossing my fingers for you guys!

Hang in there!



Anonymous said...

Good luck in your 2ww :) Doesn't it just drive you mad trying to analyse your body's symptoms? I have come to the conclusion that feeling early pg and pms-ish are the same for me. If I am feeling optimistic that day, then I am convinced it's pg, but if I am not feeling optimistic then i have THE worst pms ever!

Baby Blues said...

I'm waiting, hoping and cheering for you Dawn. Hang in there. Just keep yourself busy.

Kristy said...

When WILL you know?

I am glad you got to reconnect with your family, even if it had to be under those circumstances...