Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm Back...

Thank you to all of you for your condolences. Even though I didn't respond on my blog, I was reading my mail and feeling the love.

There was a large crowd of friends and family - all well-loved by this wonderful woman. We will surely miss her. I got my chance to say goodbye, so to speak, and I was very glad to be there to send her off.

We had a beautiful day for Granny's funeral - sunny, blue sky, a slight chill in the air, a small bit of wind, and just enough clouds to make the sky pretty. The cemetery is high on a wheat-yellowed hill near our family farm - such a beautiful place.

After the funeral we went over to the farm and had a potluck dinner supplied by my cousin's church. The food was great, as all Southern Cooking is, and the company was all family and close friends. It was so nice to come in from the stress of the funeral and just relax with familiar people and surroundings.

I was glad to have time off from work to be there to support my mom when she really needed all her kids around. We laughed, joked and told stories as usual, but there was a special purpose in it - to reconnect, to support, to soothe.

Thanks again for all your support,


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